Friday February 24th, 2012 Event

1st Meeting for 2012 and Exciting New Changes in Store
Next NYC Max User Group Meeting will be held on Friday, February 24th 2012 @7:30-9:30pm

You are invited to the 1st 2012 meeting of the New York City 3ds Max User Group. NYMUG is about to undergo exciting changes over the next few months with a renewed commitment to better serving the community.

One of the group’s original founders, Kim Lee, will be returning to a position in which he contributes more time to help guide in event planning and the procurement of better content for future meetings with the sole purpose of reaching our goals.
The keyword and verb we’re associating with our goal is to FIND:

FIND Artists
FIND Solutions & Techniques
FIND Inspiration
FIND Colleagues
FIND New Tools

We will be holding our next meeting on Friday February 24th at (CADA-NYU SCPS, 11 W. 42nd Street 10th fl, Rm1036) @7:30pm. We are excited because we will be having the 1st Hands-On/Micro Workshop in a long time. Space is limited – RSVP is required!

To attend note the following:

You MUST RSVP with your full name.
RSVPs sent to:
RSVP Subject: “NYMUG RSVP – Feb 24th 2012”
For this event you may not RSVP for another person.
We can only accept 45 individuals for this even due to the capacity of the space.
You will recieve a confirmation email.
We will have to turn unconfirmed people away once we reach that limit.
If we reach the limit, you will be notified and given the opportunity to be waitlisted.
Please be courteous to other attendees; if you need to cancel (and miss out on this cool event), do so no later than Wednesday Feb 22nd 6pm in order to give us enough time to give your seat to people on the waitlist.
1st come 1st serve
This Event’s Outline:

Intro to Practical MaxScript for Artists w/ Joe Gunn
This will be a hands on session teaching even those who have never coded before how to easily incorporate maxscript into their workflows. Basic yet powerful examples taken right out of production jobs.

Animation Editing in Trackview w/ Marc Florestant
Another hands on session showing many not commonly known features and uses of the trackview for editing animation.
Our 1st 15 Minute Speed Competition
Attendees may choose from 1 of 3 categories (maybe a 4th) or you can cheer one of your peers on!

“Nice Head” starting with a generic head model see what you can do with it in 15 minutes.
“BFG” With a firearm theme, build the coolest gun/projectile weapon model you can in 15 minutes.
“Move Me” starting with a base file of objects lets see who creates the coolest animation in 15 minutes.
“Wanna be a DP?” starting with a pre-build scene, create the best camera(s) move you can in 15 minutes.

*Rule details will be announced at the event.

Next event is on Friday, February 24th @7:30-9:30pm
Location: CADA-NYU SCPS, 11 W. 42nd Street 10th fl, Rm1036
Get Directions
Send in your RSVP, with Full Name to:

written by

Cache Media IncĀ®

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