Tuesday April 24th, 2012

We are pleased to invite you to our next and biggest event so far this year on Tuesday April 24th 2012 with Eat-n-Greet at 7pm and the event start at 7:30pm. This April event will be the first in our new home at the Manhattan Autodesk office space located at 38 West 21st Street on the 9th Floor, New York NY 10011.

The Highlights of the April 2012 event include:

Digital Heroes Tour:

Larry Kleinkemper, the president of AAUGA, is touring the country and filming interviews with speakers from the various user groups along the way. On April 24th he will be in NY to conduct short interviews with our main speakers before their scheduled presentations.

Feature Presentation: Borislav “Bobo” Petrov

of Thinkbox software will be honoring us with a very rare appearance and speaking about the multitude of powerful tools he and Thinkbox have developed over the years.

Fluid Simulations inside 3dsmax with glu3d GPU edition by Joe Gunn

Fluid simulation aficionado Joe Gunn will be demonstrating his workflows and approaches when creating fluid simulations inside 3ds max. Using a new GPU fluid based simulator inside 3dsmax by 3DAlien’s the newest version of the glu3D plugin. See fluids in a whole new way fast, stable, and fun.

We will be finally holding our first “2 gets you 100” fundraising raffle

for two prizes from TurboSquid. We will be raffling off two $100 SquidBucks prizes with tickets being sold for a mere $2 each. We apologize for having to postpone this raffle originally scheduled for the last event, but encourage you all to participate at this next event.

Two weeks ago we launched the new NYC 3ds max User Group website and we’re glad to see that many of you have been visiting and even contributing. At this next event we are planning to unveil a new, private area of the site.

As always you must RSVP to attend and all new attendees will be required to fill out our registration survey online prior to arriving.

written by

Cache Media Inc®

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