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Top 3 Reasons to Join
Access to exclusive discounts
The NYC 3ds Max User Group has partnered with multiple vendors to get discounts on hardware & software for our members and we're continually working to expand our partner list. Exclusive discounts are available to official members on everything from 3ds Max and plugins to Workstations and Laptops to books and training materials. Official members are also entitled to significant discounts on Master Classes and other special events held throughout the year.
Access to Exclusive Members Only Content
Official members have access to exclusive learning content and production tools like custom maxscripts, as well as access to a growing archive of recorded video of past live event presentations.
Access to NYC3d Member Forum
Having trouble getting something to work in Particle Flow? Trying to find out if someone locally can help you render a project on their farm? Official members have exclusive access to a our private forum intended as a place for artists to discuss topics ranging from general 3ds Max issues to production topics specific to the NYC area.