he New York City 3ds Max User Group was founded originally in 1995 by Kim Lee, Brendan Gallagher and Sergio Vanelli. Our mission/goal is to be the premier resource in the NYC and Tri-State region for both artists, producers, and shops alike. We intend to accomplish that mission through our monthly meetings, special events and workshops with an emphasis of one-on-one familiarity with our artist members.
As a resource we strive to help members find Work, find Artists, find Solutions & Techniques, find Inspiration, find Colleagues, and find New Tools.
The cornerstone of our organization is our monthly live meeting event featuring presentations and lectures by high level professionals from all the various industries that use 3ds max in their production pipelines.
This website’s purpose is to both provide a forum to continue discussions born at the events, strengthen or form creative and business connections between artists as well as studios. It is meant to be an extension of the live events and
while helping to raise the collective bar for the quality of work created in NYC with 3ds max.serve the 3ds max community by strengthening and expanding the artist pool in the NYC area