Tuesday April 16th, 2013 Event

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Cache Media Inc®

3 Responses to "Tuesday April 16th, 2013 Event"

  1. Mark Fitzgibbons says:

    After RSVPing for the 4/15 eat and greet a registration survey is required, preferably in advance of the meeting. Where’s the survey? on this website? Thanks in advance for addressing my question.

    • Max3D Admin says:

      When you are on the webpage with the info for the next event you will see a sidebar on the right where you can rsvp. Right below that is the event attendee survey. See you on Tuesday.

  2. Max3D Admin says:

    actually my mistake. the link for the event attendee survey is on the main event page. You can get to it by choosing “Next Monthly Event” (lower left corner) from the Featured Content main menu at the top of every page.
    Sorry for the confusion

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